Monday, January 21, 2008

The similarities between Hexen and Stregherian Traditions

Greetings Brothers & Sisters of the Ancient OnesI have come to seek knowledge and wisdom, and to share alittle of myown history, and to perhaps along the way, connect some of the dots,to the Ancient Ways, which intrigue me.Here is a brief history, and stated purpose for joining.While I was stationed in the Army in Germany, in the late 70's, Istudied the Occult, and met some very interesting people. I becamevery close to a young German woman. [I was in Germany from 77-80] 18-21 yrs of age.During the later part of 79, upon repeated requests, I wasdedicated/initiated into what was merely called 'Hexen' the old ways.There were only three women present, and myself.The two young girls I knew and worked with on a limited basisafterwards, but the older woman, I never saw again.the rituals we participated in, are NOTHING like BTW.I returned to the states, and began to follow a more Ceremonial Pathfor many years, and then began to practice a very personal system ofSpirituality that was closest to Zen Buddhism, which entailed a greatdeal of wasn't until several years ago, that my teenage daughter becameinterested in the Craft, that I began a renewed relationship with theGoddess and her ancient ways, in an attempt to share what I knew withmy daughter, so that she would not follow the Hollywood/Glitter Gothpath, that seems to threaten every turn these days.I had long since lost contact with anyone in Germany, and instead,took what I recalled, and in connection with a Old Dianic HPS wededicated my daughter.Since then, I have seriously pursued an academic and otherwise searchfor the origins of the Germanic craft, which pre-dates and of the BTWinfluenced paths that now so influence the German movement.I was lucky enough to meet a Woman from what would have been EastGermany, and she informed me that the followers of the Old Ways, fromthe Eastern part of the reunifed Germany, still embrace the Old Ways,and have not been influenced by the 'New' ways.The only things that I have read or found that vaguely resemble therituals that I participated in, were Cochrane, and Grimassi,therefore, I feel that Stregheria and Hexen are from the same ancientroots.any thoughts on thisBrightest Blessings-mojo-

Greetings Mojo:If you've come to seek knowledge and wisdom here after all these years I'm not sure how much more you're going to find. LOLOL Welcome to the group.I find it interesting when you say:"The only things that I have read or found that vaguely resemble the
rituals that I particpated in, were Cochrane, and Grimassi,
therefore, I feel that Stregheria and Hexen are from the same ancient
I first became interested in becoming Strega through Raven's books. Have you read Witchcraft: The Old Religion by Dr. Leo Louis Martello? He's written a few books which are out of print you might be able to obtain. Also Charles G. Leland has some online books. I like his Etruscan Roman Remains. But the one thing I've learned is that true wisdom doesn't come from a list but from walking a lifelong path, stubbing your toes along the way. The goddess reveals herself as she will. I have a small coven that meets in my home and we study together and create our own style based on research and of course good advice from our elders that we have had the good fortune of meeting, but that too is a gift of the gods.I guess I look at it this way, if it doesn't all come to me in this lifetime, more will come in the next. It's all one big circle anyway isn't it? And if I'm strega now, I'm going to be then, because it's in my heart and soul and it ain't goin nowhere baby! Woo hoo!Welcome again. Blessings ~ Annmarie, A Connecticut Strega

Ann Marie,

thanks so much for the Warm Welcome!!!

yes, I agree on all counts, and I too work with like minded individuals, and we very much have our own style.
The HPS is from the Old Dianic tradition [MacFarland] along with some personal Gnosis material that has come along the way, via solitary workings, but I still come back again and again, to my roots, and attempt to learn and compare notes, to get closer to the heart of the source, so to speak.

and believe you me, I have a bunch of black & blue toes!!!

thanks for the Welcome

Some similar threads can be found running through the tapestries of European folklore and European folk magic. The leader of the night fight in Italy is Diana. In Germany, the leader is Holda. Over time, differences have developed.

The "Germanic-craft" does predate the Gardnarain -based British Traditional Witchcraft.
I would be interested to know if the 'Hexen' -crft you were initiated into contained more material from

*The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses*. This book is basically a form of ceremonial magic.

or is it more like the healing charms found in one of the below.sources?

*Pow-Wows or Long Lost Friend* by John George Hoffman (1820), a collection of rural folk remedies and invocations. This little book is often in print but you have to look around for it.

*The Black Books of Elverum* by Mary S. Rustad. This is a very interesting book . It's not PA Dutch Pow Wow but it grew out of the same folk magic tradtion. It is in print and listed for $14.95.

*Strange Experience: The Autobiography of a Hexenmeister* by Lee R. Gandee.

These types of folk practice have very stong pre-Christian roots. There is the English tradition of the Cunning folk which has very stong Saxon roots.

It was a very earth based folk magick. They didn't use any of the above material per-say, although they did call on the angelick energies, which is very similar, and they also call on the energies of the Fey and natural elemental energies to a great extent.

The Hexen Craft workers are very solitary, and each individual is different, calling on personal powers and contacts within the area in which they work. The Families pass on certain things, and I am sure there are similarities between families. They seldom gather together except for High Ritual, i.e. Initiations, Births, Deaths, and on the High Holidays, especially Walpurgisnacht.

I was never invited to a High Ritual or Holiday.

I did not see a BOS, everything was passed by word of mouth.

I feel that I was probably not involved long enough, or else, it was because I was American???


Some similar threads can be found running through the tapestries of European folklore and European folk magic. The leader of the night fight in Italy is Diana. In Germany, the leader is Holda. Over time, diferences have developed.

The "Germanic-craft" does predate the Gardnarain -based British Traditional Witchcraft.
I would be interested to know if the 'Hexen' -crft you were initated into contained more material from

I have never heard of Germanic craft work being compared with " Gardnarain or British traditional or the seventh book of Moses. " I was born and raised in a family that practices the " old ways " and that is just what it is. The old ways. These ways are not shared with the outside world. Or people that were not within the family or village.
Mojo was not adopted into the family so I don't think Mojo was taught the true " old ways" They are not found in books and they are not styled after modern day folk out for a buck.


It had nothing to do with if you were American. It had to do with if you are worthy. It also had to do with if you were going to be there in 25 yr.. You may be worthy but this is a hands on, word of mouth " lifetime " teaching. It does no one any good if you get to get your feet wet but you don't get to learn how to swim. True craft work takes a life time to learn. It's too bad you did not get to get farther in your studies. If these people were for real then it was quite a honor to be picket to be taught, it's just not done.


Mojo- I would appreciate hearing anything else you may have learned.I was born in Germany and my grandmother was a witch. Unfortunately,my father was in the military and we moved to the States when I wasyoung. It appears that none of my cousins followed the path which isstrange as my grandmother and great-grandmother were also witches. Ifeel like my family history died with her and it is a great loss tome. As you said, they are very solitary and do not share anything solittle is written or discussed anywhere that I can find. Thats one ofthe reason I joined this forum since it appeared to be the closestthing to the german folkmagic out there.

Welcome to the group MojoWe are a diversified group of people here - practicing theirStregheria/Stregoneria in many different ways. You can check out ourposts from the beginning and find all kinds of subjects we've talkedabout and please don't be shy about asking questions - there is alwayssomeone that will answer you one way or another.Many Blessings,ToniOwner and Moderator

No, you are completely correct. I was not shown very much, that is why I say I was 'dedicated/initiated', it had much of that kind of feeling to it. And I was only allowed the little exposure, because I was dating one of the girls, and had been for over a year.

Like I said, I was never invited to any other rituals, although the two girls and I did some things together.

that is one of the reason, I am searching for connections now.


yes, I realize that now, and I 'knew' at that time that it was an honor, although, I must say, my gut feeling was that the older woman, was not very excited about being involved with me in the slightest. It was completely and totally due to the girls' constant pleas, I am sure, which I myself, to a certain degree manipulated. I feel somewhat guilty, although, with all honesty, I do carry what I was given, on a Spiritual level, with the greatest degree of respect and honor. IF only I hadn't been a snot-nosed G.I. IF I had the opportunity again, I would do so much differently.
Although I have meet a German woman, from what was East Germany, her name is Ragna. We have had some wonderful conversations, and she has helped me to a certain degree, along with my own research, but I do realize that it is something that one will never fully grasp, unless one, dedicates a lifetime to its mysteries.

I feel very honored. and now that I am married, my wife is of German descent. Her grandfather came to America as a baby, so, I feel that connection as well, especially with my own daughter. I plan someday, to return to Germany, and take my wife to the little village of Bruchmulbach, and take her to the small grove of trees in the forest behind my apartment, IF any of that stuff is still there, but my heart tells me it will be.
The German people do not have the tendency like we Americans, to demolish a perfectly good house, and built a NEW one atop it!!!


exactly! yes, this is the closest to the German 'Hexen' that I have discovered as well. I really looked long and hard at the Nordic stuff, but I just didn't feel the connection in my heart. This is much closer.
I will gladly discuss some of the things I have, in private, if you are interested.

But I must be honest, I fear, I have barely only skimmed the surface, and as such, what I work with, is a reconstructions version of anything, at the very least, that would be vaguely called 'Hexen'.I would suggest that you visit a bit more with your own family, you will be surprised what they really know, and may not even realize. DO NOT approach it from Witchcraft though, approach it from old wife's tales, and recipes, and stories. My wife did this, and found some pretty amazing stuff.



Yes, I see all of that. The thing that particularly resonated with me, in regards to the Grimassi book, which I have not seen before, was what he described as the 'Witches Pentagram' in regards to the human body, with the 4 directions, associated with the arms and legs and the Spirit with the head. This was something that I witnessed in regards to the Hexen. And each point had a 'spirit breath' associated with an Angelick energy.


I have a question, then, if the Stregheria, is obviously family/village based, much like the Hexen, then what is the traditions in America based upon, family traditions that were brought over, and allowed to grow, to become inclusive of individuals who are not family?

Do you consider it a true tradition as passed, or a tradition, that is both wisdom that has been passed, in association with aspects of reconstructional ritual.

I hope I am not treading on Oath bound material here, as I would never want to insult any one, or disrespect their vows.


I'll be paying attention to you. ;)



I apologize for the previous post, it seems if I have taken some time to read the wisdom of past posts, that many of the questions would have been answered. It seems that as many connections as the Stregheria and the Hexen have, there are perhaps more differences. I accept that I have been gifted another small piece of my own personal puzzle, and have been welcomed graciously in your midst. Of that I am thankful. I pray that I may continue to share in your wit and wisdom, but I fear that my Path will continue to lead me on into the shadows, looking for the answers, that may never be found in this lifetime.
Does that make any sense? I do respect the Stregheria Path, and its followers. But my heart was once upon a time touched by a Hexen woman, and as such, I will look for one who knows the secrets to that touch, and hope that I may prove my worth in being given such a marvelous gift so many years ago.

sometimes life is ironic isn't it.

humbly seeking

Oh trust me, those ways are very much alive and doing very well, we do not call them Asatru either, though even in Europe that phrase is being used more often I am afraid.



and I will be forever grateful for the wisdom you and your family have/ and hopefully will continue to share with me, and the glimpses of your own personal truths, that will light my way, a bit further along my own Path to the Center of my own Personal Mystery.


You will also see this in Leonardo DeVinchi's work.....I hope I spelled that right. What I find fascinating is the Templars use of the pentagram in it's upside down state representing Bophomate= that will give you something to think about. The Vatican's army hailing Sophia, and that got them ultimately executed. Burned as a mater of fact.


I'm going to answer you as best I can to hell with tradition. I will answer you from my own experience and hope I don't step on toes.

We are dyeing, that is a fact. There just are not that many of us left and the young ones are not interested in all that old fashioned stuff. In the new age were everything is fast and throw away there is very little use for blessing the land when you can go to the store and buy what ever you need. The new god is money and it's not that hard to get. Who wants to meditate and learn about the the older ways when there is a party to go too. Who wants to really learn when It might take a yr. to really understand what the breeze in the tree is saying to you on this day. Who wants to learn that a flock of birds of this color of this breed means this or that. Who wants to sit quiet and hear God talk to you in the silence of their heart. Do you really know anyone who is really looking for God and their plan for us? And do you know anyone who would be willing to do the most despicable thing because it is the right thing to do.
I have found that most would be students have come to me seeking knowledge for no other reason then the " self powerment " that it can give them....ego. I have met maybe two people in all my yrs that I feel could dedicate no holds barred to a life of service where a thank you may never be heard and do so willingly and gratefully. It's a way of life. It's the way you gather your herbs, the way you cook your food, the way you worship, the way you hold a child and plant your crops and clean your house, heal your neighbor or hex your enemy.
These traditions can only be passed down, word of mouth, hand to hand ( sometimes there was a wooden spoon in that hand ) :/ you just can't print a hand you place your you hold your body, how you stir or the tone in what you say the words. The pitch of the song....the inflection and vibration. You just can't print that. You can't print the movements of a dance. See?
Now for those who work in a coven if you want to have a full blown ritual why not? if you can reconstruct it I don't see any reason that it should not be done, but please keep it accurate as you can, don't put in all that wiccan stuff. The gods are old and they like what they like. And don't mix pantheons. That is a no no. Now that is just my opinion, it's how I was taught and I'm telling you as I know it. Do with it as you will.


Don't move to far to fast....Patience is a good thing.

You would be surprised at how close they are.



I thank you for your candor, and the truth of your words. These are not easy truths.
Interestingly enough, one of the 'only' things that was passed to my wife from her family was a spoon.
It is very, very old. Not sure IF if came from Germany, but it really doesn't matter. The families' love is carried in it.

Brightest Blessings

not at all, little phrases, that were passed for family dishes and such. The names that have been handed down. that's about it.

The family was the Van Dyke family, but because of the War, many of the brothers dropped the Van, and merely carried the Dyke. Other did not. We do have a family cemetery here in TX, that is about an hour's drive away, where much of the family if buried. It is nice to take the kids, and listen to my wife and her cousins walk the line of graves and tell who each one is.

I feel that there was not an urgency in keeping the Native language as well, due to the negative influences of the War.
Many of the family, wanted to appear as much American as possible during those years, especially the children.
She remembers the older members of the family talking German, but only a few, and it was not something that was promoted or embraced, by the family.


yes, that seems to be a concern with the Woman Ragna, that I have communications with in Germany,
It seems that many of the youth have embraced the BTW traditions, or Astaru, when in truth, these ways, are not what the Old Ways are at all.

She says that it is a concern. She felt that with the unification of the East & West, that much of the outside influence was balanced. But she still fears it will tilt once again for the 'new' ways, instead of the 'old'.

She says she prays to the energies daily to return the people to their own power.


Holda and Witchcraft
here is a very interesting article concerning Holda, and possible connections to Diana.

good read.


very interesting. thank you for that link.
sorry, I didn't have time last night to send you the pics I promised. I will try some time today! Also, after visited a bit with Annaig last night and today, I plan on including a picture of a family spoon that has been passed down to my wife from her family.

We consider spoons, as one of the most powerful true manifestations of a wand as possible, as it is used to nourish and heal the family.


This is an interesting connection from
The Magic of the Horseshoe: The Luck of Odd Numbers: V. Odd Numbers in Folk-medicine

"In early times the Feast of the Epiphany, which is the thirteenth day after Christmas Eve, was feared because at that time the three goddesses, Berchta, Holle, and Befana, with their ghostly companions, were especially active; and, as a guard against their machinations, the initial letters of the names of the three kings, or wise men, were written on many a door.
Of the former trio, Berchta was represented as a shaggy monster, whose name was used as a bugbear with which to frighten children. She was intrusted with the oversight of spinning, and on the eve of Epiphany she visited the homes of the countryfolk, distributing empty reels, which she required to be filled within a specified time; if her demands were not complied with, she retaliated by tangling and befouling the flax.
Holle, or Holda, was a benignant and merciful goddess, of an obliging disposition, who was usually most lenient, except when she noticed disorder in the affairs of a household. Her favorite resorts were the lakes and fountains, but she had also an oversight over domestic concerns, and shared with Berchta the supervision of spinning. Sometimes, however, she appeared as an old hag, with bristling, matted hair and long teeth.
Befana, the third goddess, was of Italian origin, and her name signifies Epiphany. On that day the women and children used to place a rag doll in the window in her honor. In personal appearance she was black and ugly, but her disposition was not unfriendly."

Here we see Germanic Goddess in direct association with Italian Goddess.

My grandmother always used a wooden cooking spoon if that helps you any. She used to carry one around in her apron pocket. Wish I could remember a little more for you.


Is this from a website, or from a book? I'd never heard Befana equated to one of the Wise Men before...


Does this sound suspect? I would appreciate any feedback on opinions of validity concerning the information that I am turning over in my search for possible connections between Stregheria and Hexen.


As I said there are definetly simlar threads runiing throught European folklore. Holda is the leader of the night flight in Germany and Diana is the leader in Italy.

There are numerious simliaries and differences.



Thank you for the story of Befana. I am familiar with her, and have heard her in the story WITH the Three Kings, but never heard it as Mojo's reference gives -- using the goddesses in PLACE of the three kings.

It's always good to revisit Befana ;) Especially as the stores quickly put their halloween trinkets on clearance and start back-filling with christmas papers and decorations.


Yazidis view themselves as descendants of Adam, rather than Eve.
what is the take on Cain being born OF Adam and Lilith, and NOT Adam and Eve?
I have been shown this in a personal gnosis.

making Lilith the true WitchMother-Initiated by Samael the 3-faced Angel [Azrael/Melek Taus/Samael]- Initiator of her son Cain-the first Witch???


interesting quote this morning."Christianity found a heathen belief in magick-welding women existingamong Celts and Germans as well as Greeks and Romans, but largelymodified it; views held by heretics or imputed to them got mixed upwith it, and out of everything put together Witchcraft has to beexplained. Down to the latest period we perceive in the whole witch-business a clear connection with the sacrifices and spirit-world of theancient Germans."Teutonic Mythology- Jacob Grimm; volume 3, pages 1044-45-mojo-

Dear Mojo,I never herd of the strang before but have herd of that midevil torture device calll the hated "wooden Spoon" As a child 60 years ago I remember my GrandMother hitting me with the spoon.
I went out and got some new wooden spoons of different lenghts today and as I was looking at them I thought what a great way to disguise a atheme by using a wooden spoon.Well do I pass the test Teacher??? Madame Fatima

we don't use the spoon in place of the athame, we use the spoon in place of the wand.
I was told, that the spoon carries the strongest amount of magickal energy, because it is filled with the love of each family member, from the mother cooking, down to the lest in the family, via serving, and as such, represents an aspect of the whole. It would include the complete family as well, if it was used for family gatherings, which this one was. My wife remembers as a little girl, mashed potatoes on holidays being scooped heaping and steaming with butter onto their plates.


yes it seems to be the most documented European tradition, and it is amazing the similarities that I am finding with it and the Hexen/German trad, that I was exposed to.

the spoon,
the broom,
the kitchen knife,
the angelick/watchers

it is fascinating to me, and I am humbled that you all have chosen to open your hearts and share with me!
although our paths are slightly different, I feel a very deep kindred spirit.


Can you share the documentation please? Thanks. Annmarie

no, I am sorry, I must have stated that wrong, what I meant was there seems to be more information concerning the Italian witchcraft, i.e. Raven Grimassi, the Gospel of Aradia, and others, than Hexen, or German craft. There is a great deal of information out there about German forklore, and as such, a glimmer of the Hexen craft can be seen, but nothing seemingly as specific as the Stregherian traditions.

sorry, if I mispoke.


Amazing that somehow I missed this post. I understand everything thatyou are saying. You are very correct in that there are not many leftlike you left to teach those of us that truly want to learn. Some,like me, have searched and have been able to piece together memories,what knowledge is available, what we gather from our meditation, andour natural ways. I continue to walk the path and search. I joinedhere because it is the closest thing I have found on the web to myheritage. It is the most preserved true european tradition that hasnot been watered down. Yes the british/celtic traditions remain, butexcept for the stregha and the gypsy, I have found that most of theother traditions of the continent has simply disappeared because itwas it never meant to be written. It was meant to be taught and felt.I also understand this is a stregha site and I am here to learn thoseways. If you ever decide to start a hexen study group, let me know.I am more than willing to learn there also.Dee [buldglit]

well I for one, if anyone is interested, will be willing to participate in a 'sister site', if you will, that centers more energy on the Hexen/German/Austrian aspects of the Path that we all have followed our hearts to walk. Not sure how anyone else feels. But I do think that, much like myself, that there are others, who, have found their way here, as a way to a place of Spirituality, that is the closest that we have found to match, the little glimpses of an old way, that we have seen through our grandmothers, our mothers, and our families.

I almost feel a little guilty, dominating much of the Stregheria hospitality, talking about Hexen/German traditions!!! LOL



so in one of your posts, you stated

I have found that most would be students have come to me seeking knowledge for no other reason then the " self powerment " that it can give them....ego. I have met maybe two people in all my yrs that I feel could dedicate no holds barred to a life of service where a thank you may never be heard and do so willingly and gratefully

so are you a teacher, and if so, what tradition do you teach, or is it Stregheria, or Germanic based?
I would be very interested in perhaps some more indepth study with you, if you are interested.


here is some Hexen information that my contact in Germany, her name is Ragna, shared with me, concerning the up coming season.

On High Sabbats often special aspects of the Goddess are called. For example it makes sense to call Frau Holle at Samhain, because she is associated with Hel - Goddess of Death, Shadow, Underworld and so on.You might also call Frau Holle during the time of the so called "Rauhnächte" a period of 12 days between Yul and the beginning of the new year. Some start counting from Dec 21st up to Jan 1st (as I do). Some start counting at Dec. 24th ending up the night before Jan 6th which is called "Perchten-Tag" = Day of Percht, which is another name and aspect of Frau Holle.(By the way the Rauhnächte are a very exciting, intense time where a lot of strange things might happen and where the veil between the different worlds - like the period around Samhain - is very light. On the Rauhnächte we nearly always have stormy, windy days, there is a lot of folk (spirits...) busy out there in the woods.)
just thought that I would share
In Germany, nothing says Christmas like fresh, home-made cookies, to be eaten during Advent and at Christmas itself. These come in a wide variety of shapes and flavours, some complicated, some simple, some to be eaten fresh, some that need to mellow, some made with flour, some without, some light and crispy, some rich and chewy. Every family usually has at least six different kinds, often regional specialities. The tradition of baking pastries at Christmas dates back to the ancient Germans who made them as offerings to their gods.
Even in the 19th Century people offered part of the 'sweet bread' to the spirits. The Windf ü ttern (feeding the wind) was done during the Rauhn ä chte (the twelve nights after the solstice). Flour or cake crumbs were sprinkled on the roofs and people celebrated loudly to drive away the evil spirits."
Dee, do you remember your Grandmother saying anything about this?
Don't feel guilty,
they are closer then you think. Also the African and Island traditions as well, you can find the connections easily.

I really don't know what you would call it, Family tradition is the best word for it. Just the old ways. Ann shrugs. Where do you live?
"Ritual sweeping was suspected by archaeologists and anthropologists to have been carried out on ancient landscape lines such as those at Nazca in Peru. Devereux explains that:
"We should not suppose that ritual sweeping is just an Andean phenomenon - it occurs in ancient traditions of the Indo-European world, too. For instance, several survivals occur or are documented in folk ceremony in Britain. the annual Plough Stots at goathland, North Yorkshire, involves a man dressed as a woman, a 'Betty', who carries a broom and ritually sweeps the road behind the sword dancers". (5) Paul Devereux Shamanism and the Mystery Lines - Quantum, 1992
The point to all this was to create a "sacred space" and is much the same as when modern witches use a broom to sweep the circle. "

interesting quote
Seid' Staff"Sometimes too, the seid'med'r [seid'-man] may carry a seid'stafr[sorcerer's staff]. One word for sorcerers was seid'berendr i.e.those 'bearing' or 'carrying' seid'r. As the staff is an object whichmight be carried, and taking into account grafseid'r as a kenning fora serpent in the 'Old Icelandic Rune Poem,' and the link between theidea of a serpent and a magickal staff [cf. also the Jo'rmungandr,the 'great magickal staff' as a kenning for the cosmic serpentMid'gard'sormr, it is possible that the word originally refers to amagickal staff or wand of some kind."-pg 73-"On a side note, anti-seid' magick is also mentioned. In chapter 28of the Go'ngu-Hr'olfs Saga we find the term seid'villa, whichapparently indicates 'a [rune-]stave to counteract sorcery.' Thephrase ri'sta seid'villur, 'to carve staves to counteract seid' isused."-pg 74-Witchdom of the True-Edred-
My tradition has something similar called a bastone (cane/stick) used as spirit stick/conjuring staff, etc.Toni
Myth asks: Is the bastone more the size of a walking stick--a proximately 3 ft long (1meter), as opposed to a wand which is about 1 ft, which is from the tip of your middle finger to elbow, or as opposed to a staff which is about 5 or 6 ft? Or is the term bastone used to describe things of different lengths used for magical purpose? I always assumed the bastone was of wand length.

The length should be from the waist to the floor.
The bastone, sounds very similar to the Stang, in the Hexen or Germanic witch tradition that I follow. It too represents not only the World Tree, Yggdrasil. It is used a the connection as in the previous post, as above and below.

It is generally a Staff, with either a fork at the top, or often, as with mine, antlers at the top. Some individuals even have the full skull with antlers at the top. Although, generally, the larger Stangs are 'coven' stags, instead of individual Stangs.

To many, it can physically represent the Altar itself, with the Staff being phalic representing the God, the fork representing the center of the essence of the Goddess, the 'womb'.

There are still other schools of thought, that feel that the fork is representative of the trinity, the right fork masculine, the left fork feminine and where they meet, the unity of the Divine Spirit, manifesting as the Child.
I personally, burn sigils, and symbols in my own staff to represent my own Magickal journey.
So in essence, it is in many ways my BOS.

In many of the cultures of Europe, A Witch could be recognized by carrying the Stang.
In some traditions, the Stang is to be made of Ash, [mine is made of Elm, for personally reasons.]

Often, there would be a Stang of Blackwood, that would be used for cursing, but this would ONLY be used, under certain circumstances!
In this way, the Stang was representative of the 2-faced God, one branch of the fork, representing the Good and one representing the Bad power of the Divine.
In the Hexen traditions, it is known that formal cursing, though rarely used, is still a part of the Old Faith and as such, we reserve the rights to do so.
Evan John Jones is quoted as describing the Stang thus:

"The ash Stang as a concept is representative of the God-King of the woodland glade; also of the reincarnated Spirit of the Old King in the Young Horned God-Child of the Mother, in her aspect of Diana of the Greenwoods."

Used in the coven, the Stang represents as well the Guardian of the Gateway of the Circle, and guards the entrance to the Otherworld. A link between the world of the Goddess and the sacred space 'between' of the Circle.

It can represent the Hunter, with the skull and atlers [the Horned Lord] as well as representative of fertility.
The wood ash, also represents the sacred wood of birth and rebirth. Positioned in the North just outside the circle, as Guardian, the antlers [and face, my own Stang has a face carved into it, just below where the antlers are] face outward, but after the ritual, the Stang can be turned to face inward, and bears witness to the feast.
It is the son, presiding over the feast in honor of the Goddess.

Some traditions dress the Stang with crossed arrows and seasonal garlands. [I do not practice this].
but, if they are done this way, the arrows represent the duality of the Horned God, and reminds us of the concept of the God in relation to the Hunt, and also reminds us, that one of the many faces of the Goddess is that of the Divine Huntress.

IF you use garlands, a general rule of thumb is the following:

Candlemas-garland of Yew for mourning
May Eve-garland of a mix of Birch, Hazel, willow, and hawthorn.
Lammas-a garland of stalks of grain.
Samhain-generally the arrows are bare, but Yew can be used.

Most often, the Stang is shod with iron after consecration.
It not only 'grounds' the Stang, [there are also other ways of doing this, IF you do not want to use iron], but it is connected with the energy of the Smith.

Many believe that when the Stang is consecrated and when it is used in ritual, that the energy that is relayed into it, cannot be released, due to the inability of the energy of passing through the iron, thus remaining and keeping the Stang charged magickally.

Because MY Stang is made from the wood of the Elm, and because I have a very close personal association with the Fey, and the Pale Ones, I chose NOT to shod my Stang with Iron.
Elm is considered a Border Tree that marks the boundaries between this world and the Otherworlds.

Bard's Woodcraft, is quoted as saying this about the Elm tree:
Elm [Elma]
"One of the tallest ancient forest trees, graceful in its chalice shape, Elm is sacred to the Great Goddess in her form as Wise Grandmother. She is the Qabbalist's Briah, manifest in the planet Saturn. Elm is also called "Elven" for its connection to the Elves and Faerie mounds, and so to burial mounds, and to death as the doorway eternal life. In recent times, as many ancient Elms have been killed off by Dutch Elm disease, the tree has come to symbolize and embody the struggle of Nature against humanity's destruction of the old forests through short-sightedness or the transportation of diseases from other parts of the world. Elm's spirit is majestic and expansive, rooted and wise. Well-suited to magick of Earth and invocation of the Goddess, healing, fertility, gardening, rebirth, destiny, wisdom., passage from one life (or phase of life) to another, metamorphosis, endurance."
We also, as a working group, and individually, grasp the Stang at the conclusion of any ritual working, and 'ground' ourselves, to the Earth, through the Stang which is rooted, by being 'planted' in the ground.
Here are two links to articales on the Stang for any of might be interested.
'What's a Stang and Why do I Have so Many?
Witchvox Article


The World Tree In Your Backyard: Building a Stang

both, are very interesting and well written articles, and show, the versatility of the use of the Stang in modern Craft workings.

one more link, the Cornish witches [Pellars] call Staff 'Gwelen'.here is a link to the article.
To begin with, let me say that the bastone is part of my tradition andone of our major tools. The bastone is a walking stick, but it isalso a spirit stick which is primarily used to connect the Strega tothe worlds in which we work. (The world that we can see and touch; theworld that we can see, but cannot touch; and the world that we cannotsee and cannot touch). Spirits/entities exist in each of these realms.The bastone in a sense is the axis mundi - representing the north andsouth pole of the earth - its center and energy point. As one holds itand goes in an altered state, they can connect with the powers of theabove worlds.Here's a little tid-bit on the axix Mundi>The axis mundi (world axis), in religion or mythology, is the centerof the world and/or the connection between heaven and earth. It iscommon to virtually all cultures on Earth, although it plays a muchmore explicit role among indigenous peoples. It is thought that theidea of the Proto-Indo-European religion axis mundi, spread throughoutEurasia, in particular the concept of the world tree. It is familiartoday as the caduceus, the symbol of medicine; the staff is the axisitself, and the serpents are the guardians or guides to the otherrealm. It is a common shamanic concept, the healer traversing the axismundi to bring back knowledge from the other world. The axis mundiboth connects heaven and earth as well as provided a path between thetwo. The axis mundi is commonly represented as a rope, tree, vine,ladder or staff, as well as many other things; the yin-yang descendsfrom this in addition to the caduceus. It is sometimes, depending onrepresentation and belief system, considered explicitly male or evenphallic.Now that you have an idea of what the Axis Mundi is - think of thebastone as an implement to connect with the energies of the earth'scentral axis. In a way - it works like a Burmuda Triangle in thatwithin its energy axis all space and time ceases to exist and youfind yourself in an electro magnetic field. It is like the chakrasof the Mother Earth. Where we have a center energy pole within us,so does the earth. Therefore in accessing the energy we connect itto ours - making a powerful blending of power.The bastone is the tool that will take you to other realms ofexistence and connect with the spirits that exist within thoserealms. If one does not have a bastone with them, they can use a rope,string, or handkerchief to connect to the powers that be.It is said that the Strega met under the Walnut tree (which hasgreat conscious and sub-conscious significance). Just about everyculture had a "tree" that represented a center-point of workings orconsidered a "world tree". There was a reason for this as it wastheir way of connecting with the "as above, so below" energy pattern.Toni
Greetings,It seems that I share a similar tool; while I had suspected it - yourvery informative posts confirmed it.In Lucumi (Yoruba) and Palo (Kongo) lines, there is a tool used knownas the Palo de Muerto, or Opa Iku. Some houses allow their followersto find one, prepare, and dedicate in accordance with their lines andsome give it as an initiation. In my house, it's an initiation.I had to find a staff in the same length as I am tall. Once done, thepreparer will hollow out a small section of the staff and fill itwith many different items. It is then sealed, decorated with 9different colors of ribbons, and bells. Some houses feed these withblood, and some do not. Mine, was fed.We use this tool during prayers which honor, and call the dead. As werecite our prayers, and invocations, the staff is tapped rhythmicallyon the ground and in essence opens the doors between this world andthe next and allows our words to move between the worlds. It alertsthe dead, calls them - or, if need be - sends them away. We see it asthe cane used by the dead to lean on, and support them. In the samelight, we lean upon the spirits of our ancestors, and they supportus. It too has phallic symbology; as the dead as seen as keepers ofsexuality, and morality (much like the Gede of Voodoo if I amcorrect). I am unsure if such a tool is used in Voodoo, but I believethe Poto Mitan.Since I am not initiated into Santeria as a priest at this time, Irely mostly on the Egun (ancestors) for 'workings' and such. I use myOpa Iku mainly to call the Egun - and then work with my spiritualpot/Nganga.None-the-less, thank you for all of the information about this tool.I love finding the similar ties in things between different culturesand paths.Ashe!
Hi Brandon,The bastone in my tradition is from the waist down to the feet and is also fed with the seekers blood. Although it would be ideal to get a wood that is indigenous from Italy, it can be any wood that is near the persons surroundings. Toni
Greetings,It seems that I share a similar tool; while I had suspected it - yourvery informative posts confirmed it.In Lucumi (Yoruba) and Palo (Kongo) lines, there is a tool used knownas the Palo de Muerto, or Opa Iku. Some houses allow their followersto find one, prepare, and dedicate in accordance with their lines andsome give it as an initiation. In my house, it's an initiation.I had to find a staff in the same length as I am tall. Once done, thepreparer will hollow out a small section of the staff and fill itwith many different items. It is then sealed, decorated with 9different colors of ribbons, and bells. Some houses feed these withblood, and some do not. Mine, was fed.We use this tool during prayers which honor, and call the dead. As werecite our prayers, and invocations, the staff is tapped rhythmicallyon the ground and in essence opens the doors between this world andthe next and allows our words to move between the worlds. It alertsthe dead, calls them - or, if need be - sends them away. We see it asthe cane used by the dead to lean on, and support them. In the samelight, we lean upon the spirits of our ancestors, and they supportus. It too has phallic symbology; as the dead as seen as keepers ofsexuality, and morality (much like the Gede of Voodoo if I amcorrect). I am unsure if such a tool is used in Voodoo, but I believethe Poto Mitan.Since I am not initiated into Santeria as a priest at this time, Irely mostly on the Egun (ancestors) for 'workings' and such. I use myOpa Iku mainly to call the Egun - and then work with my spiritualpot/Nganga.None-the-less, thank you for all of the information about this tool.I love finding the similar ties in things between different culturesand paths.Ashe!
Hi Brandon,The bastone in my tradition is from the waist down to the feet and is also fed with the seekers blood. Although it would be ideal to get a wood that is indigenous from Italy, it can be any wood that is near the persons surroundings. Toni
Hello Toni,For mine, I went down to the Arkansas river which runs right throughTulsa and took a long search. I was expecting to find a live brachto cut, take and then allow to dry out. I was mistaken however. Aftersearching for a while I came across a rather long, and horriblelooking branch that was covered in dead bark; but something said totake it.I brought it home, removed all the bark and pulled out my tools(dremel, saw, sander) and cleaned it up. It just so happened that notonly did the stick have "lips" as I like to call them, it was eatensomewhat by termites (which have direct connections to the dead).Turns out that I could have not chosen a better stick. The wood wasrather white, so I gave it a very light coat of stain because I knewit was going to be fed and I did not want the stick to obvious likethat. Not that I tend to show these things off, however, theoccasional person does come over and sometimes people like to askquestions. =-)When you use blood (such as this) do you use a drop or two? Or do youas example, cut 'something' (maybe your hand?) and use more than adrop or two?~B
No - a drop or two is fine - and I usually recommend that the seeker use a needle that is sanitary and just prick their finger. Men can also use their semen and younger women can use menstrual blood if they want, but a few drops from the finger is also fine. They can drill a hole at the top and put the essence in there where it will hold securely. They can then put the breathe of life in it by blowing on it. It is first cleansed with water and sprigs of rosemary - then the blood is fed to it, then the breathe of life is given to it. It is then ready to begin working with. In other words to begin meditating with it, using it in ritual, even taking walks with it. It is left plain with no writing on it or decorations - this way it doesn't call to peoples attention.Blessings,Toni

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E.L.M. Publishing

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