Saturday, January 24, 2015

Origins of the StarCirlce: The Enochian Workings (November 2005)


  • L.B.R.P.
  • Rose Cross
  • 4 Pillars
as suggested by Frater Y.'.:
As names are recited-the Magician should visualize four pillars, in the SouthWest, SouthEast, NorthWest, and NorthEast respectively. These 'living words' must come from the 'soul' of the Magician at the moment of uttering.

  • KAPHLAPEL-Mind: activates Hod.
  • JAGRADACH-Heart: activates Netzach.
  • SHEMREQUEL-Purpose: activates Geburah
  • ISLAKASH- Divinity: activates Chesed

Sub-quadrant associations:

  • NE-Dust- EARTH of AIR
  • SE-Smoke-FIRE of AIR
  • SW-Steam-FIRE of WATER


  • L.B.R.P.
  • Rose Cross
  • 4 Pillars

I call upon the Holy Names of God with Power over the Northern part of the Easter Quarter (FIRE of AIR) Smoke:

  • AOURRZ (Ah. oh. uh. ar. reh. zod.)
  • ALOAI (Ah. loh. ah. ee.)

I call upon the 4 Good Angels of the East-who comprehendeth the species and uses of living creatures in each of the Four Elements:

  • Angeli Lucis (Angels of Light):
  • Angelus Praeclarus (Excellent Angel)- AKKA (Ah. keh. kah.)
  • Angelus Illustrus (Luminous Angel)- NPNT (Neh. peh. neh. teh.)
  • Angelus Insignis (High Angel)- OTOI (Oh. toh. ee.)
  • Angelus Fulgidus (Shining Angel)- PMOX (Peh. moh. tx.)

I call upon the Holy Names of God with Power over the Southern part of the Western Quarter (FIRE of WATER) Steam:

  • IAAASD (Ee. ah. ah. ah. ess. deh.)
  • ATAPA (Ah. tah. pah.)

I call upon the 4 Good Angels of the West-who comprehendeth the species and uses of living creatures in each of the Four Elements:

  • Angeli Lucis Fideles Dei (Creatoris Nostri) Ministri (Angels of Light, faithful Ministers of God (Our Creator)):
  • Angelus Praeclarus (Excellent Angel)- XPKN (Tz. peh. keh. neh.) AIR
  • Angelus Illustrus (Luminous Angel)VASA (Vah. sah.) WATER
  • Angelus Insignis (High Angel)DAPI (Dah. pee.) EARTH
  • Angelus Fulgidus (Shining Angel)RNIL (Reh. nee. el.) FIRE
I call upon the Holy Names of God with Power over the Northern part of the Western Quarter (EARTH of WATER) Mud:

  • MALADI (Mah. lah. dee.)
  • OLAAD (Oh. lah. ah. deh.)

I call upon the 4 Good Angels of the North-who comprehendeth the species and uses of living creatures in each of the Four Elements:

  • Angeli Lucis Fideles Dei (Creatoris Nostri) Ministri (Angels of Light, faithful Ministers of God (Our Creator)):
  • Angelus Praeclarus (Excellent Angel)- PAKO (Pah. koh.)
  • Angelus Illustrus (Luminous Angel)- NDZN (Neh. deh. zod. neh.)
  • Angelus Insignis (High Angel)- IIPO (Ee. ee. poh.)
  • Angelus Fulgidus (Shining Angel)- XRNH (Tz. reh. neh. heh.)

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