Wisteria Oil
Planet - Mercury Element - Air
Incense- Mercury/HOD-Storax, Amber, Spikenard
Basic Powers - Gentleness, inspiration. knowledge, love, psychic development, wisdom. Power of being in two or more places at one time; prophecy (being in two times at one time); weapon is tripod; figures albus and swastika
Eloquence, protection against theft.
Work involving the rational mind, communication, connection to others.
Scent - Strong spicy floral.
Lore - Wisterias are beautiful climbing deciduous shrubs with long hanging clusters of deliciously spice-scented flowers. Wisteria is for women who have problems with their femininity and sexuality, and for men who deny the softer and more feminine part of themselves. It relieves fear of intimacy in both men and women. Use as anointing oil for prayer and meditation. Wisteria oil is also an aid to channeling. An herb of scholars and students, wisteria aids in keeping thoughts organized in the pursuit of intellectual development.
Tarot Card-The Lovers VI
Diamond, Jade, Topaz, Aquamarine
Colors: White, Green, Silver, Yellow' Orange
Mercury [AIR]
Stand facing EAST.
“Hekas Hekas Este Bebeloi”.
Do the L.B.R.P
Call the Watchtowers
Face East, and say the Adoration:
“Holy art thou Lord of the Universe!
Holy art thou whom nature hath not Formed!
Holy art thou the Vast and Mighty One!
Lord of Light and of the Darkness!
[Make the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active in these names;
[Make the Invoking Pentagram of AIR in these names:
i. Stand facing East, trace the Invoking Hexagram of Mercury well vibrating: ARARITA.
Trace the figure of Mercury in the center of your Hexagram well vibrating: ELOHIM TZABAOTH..
Place the jar of Wisteria Oil back on top of the Planetary Triangle of Transformation, set atop the Mercury Planetary Kamea.
8 58 59 5 4 62 63 1
49 15 14 52 53 11 10 56
41 23 22 44 45 19 18 48
32 34 35 26 28 38 39 25
40 26 27 37 36 30 31 33
17 47 46 20 21 43 42 24
9 55 54 12 13 51 50 16
64 2 3 61 60 6 7 57
At the Altar, take the Cup and purify the Oil of Wisteria with Water, sprinkling it 3 times.
“I purify ye impure, unclean, and evil spirits that dwell in these creatures of water, oil, wine and milk, in the name of EL, strong and mighty, and in the name of Raphael, great angel of AIR, I command ye to depart and no longer pollute with your presence in the Hall of Twofold Truth”.
Take the Oil of Wisteria and move it over the Planetary Candle 3 times.
“I consecrate thee creature of AIR, by these names, YHVH SHALOM that all evil and impure spirits now depart immediately”.
Take the Wistera Oil placed atop the Planetary Kamea in your Left Hand, with the AIR Dagger in your Right Hand. Go to the EAST, and life both the Kamea/Resin, and the AIR Dagger and intone:
"Such a fire existeth extending through the rushing of the AIR, or even a fire formless whence cometh the image of a voice, or even a flashing light abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud:
Creature of AIR, in the names of EXARP, OROIBAH, AOZIPI, I consecrate thee in the works of the Magick of Light!"
Now above the Oil of Wisteria, atop the PToT, atop the Mercury Kamea, trace the sigils of the following with the Air Dagger facing SOUTH for HOD:
Spirit: Taphthartharath Intelligence: Tiriel
Turn CLOCKWISE to the East and with the AIR Dagger trace the sigil for Raphael the angelick energy of the East/AIR
“By the Powers of Mercury of AIR, I charge this Oil of Wisteria to manifest the natural powers thereof, Plant & Oil, to the furtherment of the works of the Magick of Light.”
Do the Banishing Hexagram of Mercury in the East
[Make the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Active.]
Do the Banishing Pentagram of AIR in the East.
Give license to depart.
"I give license to depart to all Spiritual creatures here present, in the mighty and holy names of EHEIA and AGLA, return to your realm immediately, not returning until you are summoned again; go with blessings, and let there be peace eternally between you and me, in the mighty and holy names of JAHVEH and ADONAI!"
“Go with the blessings of
Dismiss the Lords of the Watchtowers
LBRP, [Banishing pentagram of EARTH for grounding].