Saturday, April 26, 2014

found a really nice-larger piece of Siderite at the Gem & Mineral show today-here is a pic of it sitting on the bed of wild rue...

The following material is taken from Jake-Stratton-Kent's twin volumes-The Testament of Cyprian the Mage-a well researched and presented set of books-and a special treat-for me-is the inclusion of the Decan material-having worked for some time with latromathematics/medical astrology-a personal system which has evolved from Pow Wow principles/basics-I look forward to adding this layer of depth to the practice of stones and herbs-along with the specifics of the Daimons-as set forth in the Sacred Book of Hermes to Asclepius- and their names sigilized-the sigils being based on the Planetary Kamea associated with the specific astrological sign...I have begun work with this-and it looks extremely promising...I am almost finished with volume 1-and although I came to the table with other expectations-this practical aspect-that can be applied to my own work-is a pleasant surprise-I truly enjoy publications-that present material that can be applied in principle to work that an individual is already doing-a rarity these days- going to do some beginning/experimental work with Chonstaret-the Daimon of Aries-2nd Decan-who "governs the nostrils and all conditions thereof'...the stone being siderite and the herb being wild rue...I sigilized the name Chonstaret on the Planetary Kamea/magick square of the planet Mars-which rules Aries-this all directed at a series of minor nose bleeds that I have been experiencing lately-Mars is also associated with the 5th Sefirot Geburah of the Kabbalah-therefore any hex work will incorporate a 5x5x5 triangle for manifestation of the energies associated with the intent-and the colors will be Red-for Mars, (King/Queen color scale) and either Pink red-Prince scale/Bright rose-Princess scale for Aries...(color scheme taken from the King, Queen, Prince, Princess scale of the Golden Dawn...)the sigil will be placed in the center of the Triangle of Manifestation-with the seals of Mars/Aries outside the TofM...
now this will be painted on a circular hex-to be used in the full ritual in direct association with Chonstaret and the stone/herb and a sigilized Red candle-...although my Hexen Craft approach has a great deal of Obvious ceremonial aspects to it-I think it remains True to the Cunning Craft traditions...