Thursday, June 12, 2014


Lilith is a 'tricky' energy-to say the least-I have and continue to work with her as 'WitchMother'...

A great deal of the work I have done over the years with Lilith-is Very personal-and I feel pretty confident that for each indivdiual-the relationship-IF that is what it can be called-will be unique...I will say-that for me personally-she is a rather aloof entity-that is at best unapproachable-and she is Very demanding-and zealous.

I have found it best to work with her-via an intermedius energy-I have been successful via work with the 4 Demon Kings-specifically-Mahazuel and Azael and their 'feminine' elemental associations...

I have also learned the hard way-that it is best as a Man-NOT to approach her direct-rather communicate with her via a scrying mirror-while looking over one's left shoulder-this is from YEAR'S of working with her-and I still feel as IF she is a stranger...

She is indeed the Initiatrix-and WitchMother-Creatrix-but she is also- The Dark Queen of Passion-and wears about her throat-the garland of skulls of the impure-directly linked to intentions...

Her Phallic wand-the flesh of the Magus-spews forth Life from one end-and Death from the other...

Lilith-by Andrew Chumbley

Monday, June 2, 2014

Evocation of Chontaret-2nd Decan of Aries-invitation to a Spirit Vessel

ok-today-6/2/14 @ 10:30 - in the Planetary hour of Mars-I did an evocation ritual for Contaret-the 2nd Decan of Aries-"whom governs nostrils and all conditions thereof'-in an effort to stop persistant nose bleeds I have been experiencing...

The Spirit Vessel was filled with a bed of Wild Rue-and a Siderite stone was placed on the bed of herbs. the Vessel's top was removed and made open for the Spirit. This vessel was placed atop a Hex-painted and charged with the energies of Aries-the Planetary influences of Mars-tempered by the Elemental energies of FIRE...

I first evoked Eleggua as the Opener of the Ways-with some home-made incense-based in gun-powder-it sparked like CRAZY!!!

next-I placed Eleggua's key-linking the Opener of the Ways-with the Hex of Chontaret-

the Smoke and the Flames begin to drift towards Eleggua-which I took as a sign of success in Opening the Ways...

Next-I added Dragon's Blood to the censer, and Evoked Chontaret (9) nine times-the number of letters in the Name...

the smoke began to hover over the three candles placed at the points of the Triangle of Manifestation for Chontaret painted on the Hex...

and then slowly begin to form a face in the smoke-directly over the Spirit Vessel-

I conclude that Not only was the Spirit Vessel satisifcatory for Chontaret and his temporary residence while my magickal intentions are made manifest via our alliance-but I was graced by an actual physical manifestation as the form of His Visage!

Close-up of the Visage of Chontaret-2nd Decan of Aries!