A great deal of the work I have done over the years with Lilith-is Very personal-and I feel pretty confident that for each indivdiual-the relationship-IF that is what it can be called-will be unique...I will say-that for me personally-she is a rather aloof entity-that is at best unapproachable-and she is Very demanding-and zealous.
I have found it best to work with her-via an intermedius energy-I have been successful via work with the 4 Demon Kings-specifically-Mahazuel and Azael and their 'feminine' elemental associations...
I have also learned the hard way-that it is best as a Man-NOT to approach her direct-rather communicate with her via a scrying mirror-while looking over one's left shoulder-this is from YEAR'S of working with her-and I still feel as IF she is a stranger...
She is indeed the Initiatrix-and WitchMother-Creatrix-but she is also- The Dark Queen of Passion-and wears about her throat-the garland of skulls of the impure-directly linked to intentions...
Her Phallic wand-the flesh of the Magus-spews forth Life from one end-and Death from the other...
Lilith-by Andrew Chumbley